September 13 - World Sepsis Day

© Wolfgang Hanke, Lindgrün GmbH

© Wolfgang Hanke, Lindgrün GmbH

Thank you all for participating in World Sepsis Day - uploads for the 2019 WSD Event Poster are now closed, and we expect to finish the poster by November. When finished, it will be announced via a news article as well as via social media, and you will be able to order printed copies.

Below, we have collected some ideas, inspiration, and resources for you to host the perfect World Sepsis Day event on September 13th.

Lots of materials for your event is available in our toolkit section - including our new sepsis awareness clips, infographics, pocket cards, posters, wallpapers, banners, stickers, folders, the WSD flyer, presentation templates, pink picnic material, and more.


Online Events / Social Media

people sitting on twitter facebook and instagram icons a man leaning on smartphone.jpg
  • Embed the "What Is Sepsis? - sepsis explained in 3 minutes"-video on your website and/or share it on social media (English / Spanish / Portuguese / French / Italian / Turkish / German)

  • Share one (or more) WSD Infographic on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page or story, or put up a post mentioning @WorldSepsisDay

  • Share our new Sepsis Awareness Clips on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, on your website, or wherever else you’d like. They can also be used at physical events

  • Tweet about or at World Sepsis Day, using the hashtag #WorldSepsisDay, #StopSepsis, or #SaveLives

  • Add a WSD Frame to your profile picture on Facebook - go to your Facebook profile, click on your profile picture, click on add frame, and search for World Sepsis Day

  • Add a pink banner or a button to your website or set up a landing page informing your visitors about WSD

  • Participate in the photo challenge - see below

  • Add ‘September 13 is World Sepsis Day – Stop Sepsis, Save Lives’ to your email signature

  • Organize a Twitter chat, a webinar, a Reddit AMA, a Facebook Live, or a Periscope

  • Share the link to our toolkit section ( with your colleagues or friends, encouraging them to join the online campaign


Sign the World Sepsis Declaration

The easiest way to show your support for World Sepsis Day is to sign the World Sepsis Declaration - think of it like a petition against sepsis. So far, more than 9,300 entities (hospitals, healthcare workers, non-profit organizations, corporations, and individuals) have signed the declaration.


Events for Medical Professionals

  • Set up sepsis awareness stalls with sepsis quizzes and sepsis information in the entrance area of your institution/hospital

  • Offer special educational sepsis trainings for staff around World Sepsis Day

  • Share our new Sepsis Awareness Clips on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, on your website, or wherever else you’d like. They can also be used at physical events.

  • Participate in the photo challenge - see below

  • Organize conferences, symposia, round-table discussions, etc.

  • Host a pink picnic - see below

  • Change the wallpaper of the computers within your institution to one of our WSD Wallpapers (available in the toolkit section)

  • Show the "What Is Sepsis? - sepsis explained in 3 minutes"-video at your event or embed it on your organizations website (English / Spanish / Portuguese / French / Italian / Turkish / German)

Hospital de Doenças Tropicais- HDT em Goiânia- GO..jpg
Sepsis Workshop - School of Medicine   V Year Kopie.jpg
DNAe Wearing Pink and Sepsis Fundraiser Kopie.jpg
4ß Simposium de Sepsis en Urgencias Kopie.jpg

WSD Photo Challenge

  • Take a picture of yourself or your team with one of our WSD promotional boards (available in our toolkit section)

  • Share the picture with the world on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, using the hashtag #WorldSepsisDay, or tweet the picture at us directly - @WorldSepsisDay

  • We will highlight the best pictures on our website after World Sepsis Day


Public Events

sepsis awareness on world sepsis day 2018.jpg
Dia Mundial da Sepse no Hospital Memorial Arthur Ramos.jpg
Sepsis Day.jpg
La Sepsis y T£.jpg
  • Plan sport events - they a great opportunity for people to watch or participate, even spontaneously - organize a sport event like a city marathon, a bicycle tour, a volleyball tournament, a sepsis 5k or team run, a Zumba event, or another sport activity - the possibilities are endless. Hand out information leaflets along the way. Use pink bibs or t-shirts to attract attention, and plan the route so lots of people see you, for example through a town square, or similar.

  • Organize a family afternoon, together with sepsis survivors, if possible. Set up stalls and decorate the area to attract people. Think about having some music or performers and something fun for the kids like face-painting or sepsis-related handicraft work.

T for Thomas School of Origin Match.jpg
Aptahem and MSC Swimrun for sepsis.jpg
Public event 3.JPG
  • Organize a gala event or a special dinner - WSD is a glamorous opportunity to raise awareness for sepsis in your network, including for fundraising. For example, check out the Sepsis Heroes Gala Event by the Sepsis Alliance.


Pink Picnics

  • Set up a pink picnic. Pink Picnics are social events where pink is used to signify the relation to World Sepsis Day. You can include pink salads or cupcakes, BBQ’s, treats, beverages, plates, other table decor...and whatever you can think of! Use pink balloons for decoration. Both pink picnic as well as event material is available in our toolkit section.

Pink Cupcake Sepsis September kick off party.jpg
Cake cutting celebration to spread awareness.jpg

In Your Company / Institution

Abionic for World Sepsis Day 2018.jpg
Conference of World sepsis day 2018.jpg
World Sepsis Day.jpg

Bonus Tip: Illuminate a Building

  • I mean, why not? One hell of a way to raise awareness…

Learn to Spot Sepsis.jpg
Vancouver Illuminated in Pink for World Sepsis Day.jpg

Promotional Material for World Sepsis Day 2019

Please go to the toolkit section - you will find everything you are looking for, and more. If there is something missing, or you have ideas for additional material, please contact us.


Media Coverage

Use your network and the network of your colleagues, friends, members, or supporters to see if there is a chance to have your event covered professionally. Informing your local media about your event as early as possible increases the likelihood of them covering your event dramatically. In any case, make sure to take lots of pictures. We will supply a template for a press release in August 2019.


World Sepsis Day Event Poster

Like in the past years, the World Sepsis Day Head Office will collect pictures from your events and create the World Sepsis Day Event Poster 2019, so please make sure to take great and high-resolution pictures of your activities and submit them to us via our website after WSD.


Why Is World Sepsis Day Important?

World Sepsis Day is held on September 13th every year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against sepsis. Sepsis accounts for at least 8 million deaths worldwide annually. Yet, depending on country and education, sepsis is known only to 7 – 50% of the people. Likewise, it is poorly known that sepsis can be prevented by vaccination and clean care and that early recognition and treatment reduces sepsis mortality by 50%. This lack of knowledge makes sepsis the number one preventable cause of death worldwide.


Why Should You Participate in World Sepsis Day

World Sepsis Day is the favorable moment to increase public awareness for this poorly acknowledged healthcare disaster, but also to show support and solidarity with the millions of people who lost their loved ones, or, as sepsis survivors, suffer from the long-term consequences of sepsis. World Sepsis Day is a great opportunity to remind the public, media, national, and international healthcare authorities, healthcare providers, and healthcare workers, policy makers, and the governments that there is an urgent need to increase and improve education on the facility, regional, national, and international level. The easiest way to support World Sepsis Day: Share the link for signing the World Sepsis Declaration with your colleagues, families, friends, and everyone that should be informed about sepsis.


We wish you good luck in preparing your World Sepsis Day event and thank you for your valuable contribution in the fight against sepsis!

If you couldn't find what you were looking for, please contact us