Sign Up Now for the 2021 Web Conference of the European Shock Society on Nov 5-6


It has been 18 months since the COVID-19 pandemic ruptured our world. The pandemic remains a constant natural pressure that leads to important adaptations. One salient adaptation is the need to secure continuing medical education. That is why the conference of the European Shock Society will take place as a free web conference this year.

Our everyday difficulties impose the need to become better. Following this mantra, the ESS has decided to seize this opportunity and offer a completely revamped conference, fitting for this day and age and more attractive younger colleagues. Major changes are

  • the inclusion of short slots of presentations by world leaders in the field

  • the integration of basic, translational, and clinical research

  • the widening to other societies including the sister Shock societies, the Global Sepsis Alliance and the European Sepsis Alliance but also to the European sepsis research consortium ImmunoSep

  • the use of a web platform that allows interaction between attendees in private rooms in parallel

  • the publication of the presentations as a supplement in the journal Shock

To sign up or view the full program, please visit the conference website.

Marvin Zick