Study: Predictive Accuracy of the Quick Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment Score in Brazil: A Prospective Multicenter Study

Study Predictive Accuracy of the Quick Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment Score in Brazil Wide.jpg

Our colleagues from the Latin American Sepsis Institute would like to draw your attention to an important contribution to the literature around qSOFA.

When the Sepsis-3 definition was published, a new retrospectively-derived tool was proposed to help identify patients with infection at higher risk of deterioration – the 'quick-SOFA' or qSOFA score. Although it was intended only as a risk prediction score, many institutions are now incorrectly using it as a screening tool for sepsis.

LASI, concerned about the potential for low sensitivity of qSOFA, conducted a prospective observational study to evaluate it in Brazil. This study has now been published in a high-impact journal, the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (AJRCCM).

This is a robust, prospective, multicenter study across 74 Brazilian hospitals, including more than 10,000 patients. It shows that qSOFA has a low sensitivity for the prediction of mortality and suggests that its use as a screening tool for patients with suspected sepsis may result in a high proportion of patients being missed - meaning for many that they ultimately would die. The authors also propose alternative tools to improve the sensitivity of qSOFA when screening for sepsis.

Marvin Zick