Presentations from WSD Supporter Meeting at ESICM LIVES 2019 in Berlin

Yesterday, on Monday, September 30th, 2019, World Sepsis Day Supporters from all around the globe came together at ESICM LIVES 2019 for a World Sepsis Day Supporter Meeting.
Konrad Reinhart, Christiane Hartog, Adam Linder, Vida Hamilton, Hiroki Saito, Necmettin Unal, and Marvin Zick all held presentations, which you can view and download below. Topics were the strategy of the GSA for 2019 and 2020, the European Sepsis Alliance and its Working Groups, a look back on World Sepsis Day, and recent achievements in the fight against sepsis in Japan, Ireland, and Turkey.
Our next World Sepsis Day Supporter Meeting will take place on October 16th at the World Congress of Intensive Care in Melbourne, Australia.